Sunday, 8 March 2015







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IGNOU MCA MCSE-011 Parallel Computing SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015


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                                     Parallel Computing   MCSE-011

This assignment has eight questions in all and carries 80 marks. The rest of the 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. The answers are to be given in your own words and not as given in the Study Material.

For all detail question Click here  

IGNOU MCA MCSE-003 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU MCA MCSE-003 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management V  FIFTH SEMESTER 

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  Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management  MCSE-003

This assignment has Ten questions and carries 80 marks. The rest of the 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

Q.1. a) Explain with suitable examples, significance of each of the following in solving problems
          i) Contextual information
          ii) Simultaneous availability of information

 b) Discuss relations between ‘organisation’, ‘information’ and ‘intelligence’.

Q.2. a) For each of the following formulae, construct a truth-table, and then determine whether it is valid, consistent or inconsistent:
i) (~ C → ~ D) → (D → C)
ii) ((~ C ˅ D) → B) → (~ C → B)

b) Determine whether the following equivalence between the formulae on two sides of ‘=’ holds or not (A → B) → C = (A → B) → (A → C) ?, by reducing each of the formulae on the two sides of ‘=’ to one of the normal forms (DNF or CNF).

Q.3. Translate first statements, given in the following argument into Propositional Logic, and then show that the conclusion logically follows from the premisses (given statements):

 Premisses: Either taxes are increased, or if expenditures rise, then the debt ceiling is raised. If taxes are increased, then the cost of collecting taxes increases. If a rise in expenditures implies that the government borrows more money, then if the debt ceiling is raised, then interest rates increase. If taxes are not increased and the cost of collecting taxes does not increase, then if the debt ceiling is raised, then the government borrows more money. The cost of collecting taxes does not increase. Either interest rates do not increase or the government does not borrow more money.

Conclusion: Either the debt ceiling is not raised or expenditures do not rise.

You may use the symbols:
(T: Taxes are increased. E: Expenditures rise. D: The debt ceiling is raised. C: The cost of collecting taxes increases. G: The government borrows more money. I: Interest rates increase).

Q.4. Transform the following formula first in Prenex Normal Form and then into Skolem Standard Form ( x) ( [( y) ( z) (~ P (x, y) Q (x, z))] → ( u) R (x, y, u) )

Q.5. Translate the following three statements in First Order Predicate Logic, and then deduce (iii) from (i) and (ii):

(You should not use resolution method)
 i) Lord Krishna is loved by everyone who loves someone. ii) No one loves nobody iii) Lord Krishna is loved by everyone.

Q.6. a) Write a recursive function in LISP named power that takes two numeric arguments, n and m, that computes n th power of m (i.e., m n ).

b) Write a PROLOG programme that answers questions about family members and relationships. Include predicates and rules which define sister, brother, father, mother, grandfather, grand-child and uncle. The programme should be able to answer queries such as the following:
? – father (X, mohit)
 ? – grandson (X, Y)
? – uncle (abdul, ruksana)
 ? – mother (mary, X)

Q.7. a) Give Semantic Net representation of the facts given below :

“Ramesh is a 52 year old Professor of Mathematics in Delhi University. The name of his wife, son and daughter are respectively Seema, Yash and Kavita”.

b) Create a frame network for terrestrial motor vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles) and give one complete frame in detail for cars which includes the slots for the main component parts, their attributes, and relations between parts. Include an as-needed slot for the gas of each type mileage.

Q.8. a) For the following fuzzy sets: X = {x/7, y/3, z/0, u/1, v/4} and Y = {x/3, y/8, z/6, u/9, v/0} Find (i) X Y (ii) X Y (iii) (X Y)

b) Write a note on Non-monotonic reasoning systems.

c) Discuss briefly various methods/ mechanism for handling incompleteness of a knowledge-base (KB).

Q.9. Translate the following argument into FOPL and then using Deductive Rules of Inference (given in Unit 2 of Block 2) prove/ refute the following argument.
No man who is a candidate will be defeated if he is a good campaigner. Any man who runs for office is a candidate. Any candidate who is not defeated will be elected. Every man who is elected is a good campaigner. Therefore, any man who runs for office will be elected if and only if he is a good campaigner.
You may use the notation
 (Mx, Cx, Dx, Gx, Rx, Ex)

Q.10. a) Describe briefly each of the components of an expert system shell.
         b) What is an agent? Discuss briefly different (at least four) types of agents.

IGNOU MCA MCSL-54 Laboratory Course (Advanced Internet Technologies & Computer Graphics and Multimedia) SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU MCA MCSL-054 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Laboratory Course (Advanced Internet Technologies & Computer Graphics and Multimedia) V FIFTH SEMESTER 

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Laboratory Course (Advanced Internet Technologies & Computer Graphics and Multimedia)

This assignment has two parts A (Advanced Internet Technologies) and B (Computer Graphics & Multimedia) and each part is for 20 marks. Answer all the questions. Lab record for all the respective sessions (given in the MCSL-054 Lab Manual) for each course carries 20 Marks each. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. Write proper comments while programming. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the MCA Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Made assumptions if any while solving the problems and state them clearly.

                                  PART-I: Lab for MCS-051 (Advanced Internet Technologies)

Q.1. Write a Program using Servlet and JDBC for developing online application for students attendance management for MCA –V semester students of a computer science department. Make necessary assumptions and create appropriate databases.

Q.2. Write a JSP Program, to manage saving account of a bank with basic feature including opening new account, cash deposit & withdrawal, providing account details and closing of accounts.

Q.3. Write an XML document to represent the medicines in a medical store. This document should include generic medicines, restricted medicines and life saving drugs.

                       PART-II: Lab for MCS-053 (Computer Graphics and Multimedia )

Q.1. a) Write a program in C/C++ using OpenGL to perform a 3- Dimensional transformation, such as translation, rotation and reflection, on a given triangle.

b) Write a program in C/C++ using OpenGL to implement the Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm.

Q.2. Write a program in C/C++ using OpenGL to draw a polygon having 4 vertices A (4, 2) B (8, 2), C (4, 12), D (8, 12), it is reflected about the line y = 2.Using homogeneous coordinate system this program should find the coordinates of the reflected vertices.

Q.3. Write a program in C/C++ using OpenGL to draw Bezier curves, make necessary assumption and take required input from console.

IGNOU MCA MCSE-004 Numerical and Statistical Computing SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU MCA MCSE-004 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Numerical and Statistical Computing V  FIFTH SEMESTER 

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        Numerical and Statistical Computing  MCSE-004

  This assignment has seven questions in all and carries 80 marks. The rest of the 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

For all questions Click here

IGNOU MCA MCS-053 Computer Graphics and Multimedia SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015


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             Computer Graphics and Multimedia   MCS-053

There are four questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. 20 Marks are for viva-voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

Q.1. Write a program in C/C++ to generate line segment between two points, by using DDA line generation Algorithm. Your program should map each and every step of pseudo algorithm, in the form of comments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using DDA algorithm for line generation? List the steps of the algorithm. Use this algorithm to draw a line with endpoints (2, 3) and (9, 8).

Q.2. Write the Bresenham Circle Generation Algorithm and use it to draw a circle with radius r = 10, determine positions along the circle octants in 1st Quadrant from x = 0 to x = y.

Q.3. What is line clipping? Compare Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm with the Cyrus Beck line clipping algorithm. Explain the Cyrus Beck line clipping algorithm with the help of an example. How Cyrus Back line clipping algorithm, clips a line segment, if the window is non-convex?

Q.4. Explain the Homogeneous Coordinate System with the help of an example. Assume that a triangle ABC has the coordinates A(0, 0), B(5,8), C(4,2). Find the transformed coordinates when the triangle ABC is subjected to the clockwise rotation of 45° about the origin and then translation in the direction of vector (1, 0). You should represent the transformation using Homogeneous Coordinate System.

Q.5. What are Bezier Curves? Briefly discuss their properties, with the help of the proof for each of the property. How Bezier surfaces contributes to the world of computer games and simulations? Given p0(1, 1); p1(2, 3); p2(4, 3); p3(3, 1) as vertices of Bezier Curve. Determine 3 points on Bezier Curve.

Q.6. Why do you need to use visible-surface detection in Computer Graphics? Explain Scan Line method along with the algorithm for the visible-surface detection with the help of an example. How scan line method is different to z-buffer method?

Q.7. Explain the following terms in the context of computer Graphics using suitable diagram and /or mathematical equations or one example.
i) Depth Buffer Method
ii) Area Subdivision Method
 iii) Basic Ray Tracing Algorithm
 iv) Projections and its Types

Q.8. Compare and contrast the following:
 i) Interlaced and progressive scan
 ii) Compression and decompression in digital video
iii) Hypermedia and hypertext
iv) Types of Bitmap and Vector graphics
v) Ray tracing and Ray casting 


IGNOU MCA MCS-052 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Principles of Management and Information Systems V  FIFTH SEMESTER 

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This assignment has eight questions. Answer all questions. Each question is of 10 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words.

Q.1. What are the different components of an ERP? Outline the main stages in the development of an ERP system ? 

Q.2. What is the role of OLAP in decision-making? What does the term drill mean down in an executive information system?

Q.3. Explain the advantages of outsourcing computer facilities. Also, explain its major drawbacks. In Indian context. 

Q.4. How does e-business fit into different locations within the production chain? Discuss. 

Q.5. What is the purpose of Decision Support Systems in MIS? List the characteristics of Decision Support Systems

Q.6. Discuss the security threats to information systems? How does encryption ensure data security? 

Q.7. What is total cost of ownership (TCO)? What are the different cost factors for computation of the TCO of any system? Explain

Q.8. Explain the different advantages of Knowledge Management in Organisations. Also, explain different the role of business intelligence tools in different management levels 

IGNOU MCA MCS-051 Advanced Internet Technologies SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU MCA MCS-051 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Advanced Internet Technologies V  FIFTH SEMESTER 

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              Advanced Internet Technologies    MCS-051

There are nine questions in this assignment. Rest 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

Q.1. Implement award list of MCA 1st year as a XML document. The table must have semester No, student’s Enrollment No, TEE marks of all the theory subjects, practical subjects and assignments.

Q.2. Create a student enquiry system using EJB which a student could enquire for taking admission to BCA & MCA programmes of the University. More fields may be added if required.

Q.3. Create a database of employee working in the university. Write programme using JSP & JDBC to display names of those employees who are pursuing academic programme from different schools of the University.

Q.4. Write a code in JSP to stop the caching of a page by a browser.

Q.5. Write code to use a form to authenticate a client using the session information stored in the HTTP session object to the web server.

Q.6. Write a web based student registration application where the students can register online with their enrollment no. You are required to use JSP, Servelet and JDBC.
Q.7. Differentiate between structured, semi-structured and unstructured data.

Q.8. Describe the use of SSL authentication in Java clients with the help of a sample code.

Q.9. Explain the benefit offered by EJB component architecture to application developers and customers in brief.



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                             UNIX and DBMS LAB     MCSL-045

The assignment has two parts A and B. Answer all the questions. Each part is for 20 marks. UNIX and DBMS lab record carries 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the MCA Programme Guide for the format of presentation. If any assumptions made, please state them.

 PART-I: MCS-041

Question 1: Write the UNIX commands for the following:
a) Use the cat command, and display all the .txt files in the current directory on the screen at one go. b) To copy dir1 into dir2 including subdirectries.
 c) To start any web browser from the command prompt.
 d) To search for a certain pattern in the files existing in the current directory
e) To list lines that do not include and in a text file.
 f) To compress all .dat files in the current directory.
g) To decompress all the .dat files compressed in (f).
h) To pause a process.
 i) To kill a process.
 j) To send a set of files to the line printer.
 k) To list all the files in the present working directory including the hidden files.
 l) To show all the files in the subdirectories of a directory.
m) To get help on any UNIX command.
n) To display any file one screen at a time.

Question 2: a) Write a shell script program to perform all Arithmetic Operations using Command line arguments.

b) Write a shell script program to search whether element is present in the list or not and also display its position in the list.

c) Write a shell program to illustrate the case statement.

Question 1: a) Create an appropriate database using Oracle to manage a IGNOU Study Centre (SC). Perform Normalization to the normalised tables till the required levels.

b) Perform following queries using SQL:

(i) Describe the structure of all the tables created by you.
  (ii) Identify the key constraints and list them.
  (iii) List the details of your study centre like SC Code, RC Code, Address, Programmes activated, No. of Approved Academic Counsellors etc.
(iv) List the names of the academic counsellor, his/her educational qualifications, experience and course(s) they counsel for computer programmes (CIT/BCA/MCA).
 (v) List the name of the Programme Incharge / Study Centre Coordinator along with his/her details. (vi) List the total no. of students in your study centre (programme wise) who took new admission for the recent session.
(vii) List the facilities available there at the Study centre.
 (viii) List the details of the computer systems and other equipment at your SC.

c) Write appropriate triggers, exceptions and functions for the above Study Centre Management System database schema and describe them briefly.

IGNOU MCA MCS-043 Advanced Database Management Systems SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU MCA MCS-043 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Advanced Database Management Systems IV  FOURTH SEMESTER 

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Course Title : Advanced Database Management Systems    


This assignment has seven questions, which carries 80 marks. Answer all the questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words.

Q.1. Construct an E-R diagram and the corresponding relational database for a University/ College’s office. The office contains data about each class, including the instructor, the enrolment, the time and room number of the class. For each student the number of subjects and the class is recorded. Document all assumptions that you make about the mapping constraints.

Q.2. Consider the following relation scheme: students (S#,Sname) Courage ( C#, c name, Tname) Studies (S#, C#) Write the relational algebra queries and SQL queries for the following:

1) List students who are not studying in Course No. C2 2) Get the student details of those students who are studying in both courses, with course number, C4 and course no. C6

Q.3. List and explain the two integrity rules of relational model with the help of a suitable example for each.

Q.4. Define Hash join and explain the process and cost calculation of Hash join with the help of an example.

Q.5. i) List the feature of semantic database
 ii) Explain clustering in data mining
iii) Explain the characteristics of mobile database. Also give an application of mobile database.
 iv) How is audit trail done in database? How are they related to database security?

Q.6. i) How does OLAP support query processing in dataware house.
       ii) Differentiate between embedded SQL and dynamic SQL. Give an example of embedded                      SQL.

Q.7. Explain the following with the help of an example:
i) Application of Datagrid
ii) XML and HTML
 iii) Data-marts
iv) Security classes
v) Concurrently control
vi) Deductive database
vii) Significance of creating data dictionary in database
viii) Datagrid
 ix) Query optimization
x) Heterogeneous database.

IGNOU MCA MCS-042 Data Communication and Computer Network SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU MCA MCS-042 Data Communication and Computer Network  SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 IV FOURTH SEMESTER

Course Code : MCS-042
Course Title : Data Communication and Computer Network
Assignment Number : MCA (4)/042/Assign/2014-15
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%
Last Dates for Submission : 15th October, 2014 (For July 2014 Session)
                                              15th April, 2015 (For January 2015 Session)

This assignment has nine questions. Answer all questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustration and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

Q.1. Derive expressions for throughput in Aloha and slotted Aloha protocols. Show the vulnerability period of Aloha and also load vs. through graph for Aloha and slotted Aloha.

Q.2. Explain functioning of the following protocols with the help of a diagram. 3 bit sequence numbers are used. Go back N Selective Repeat

How these two protocols are different from stop and wait protocols?

Q.3. A bit stream 101010101101 transmitted using standard CRC method. The generator polynomial is x4 +1. Show the actual bit string transmitted. Suppose the fourth bit from the left is inverted during transmission. Show that this error is detected at the receiver’s end.

Q.4. Sketch the Manchester and differentiate Manchester encodings for the bit stream: 100111010101

Q.5. Explain the Ethernet frame format. Why there is a requirement of maximum and minimum Ethernet frame length?

Q.6. How is OSPF implemented in IP network? Illustrate.

Q.7. Consider the following network with the indicated link cost. Use Dijkstra’s and Bellman’s shortest path algorithm to find the shortest path from source node A to all other nodes.

figure refer -  click here

Q.8. What are the benefits of using digital certificate?

Q.9. How does TCP 3-way handshake mechanism handle the following: (i) Delayed arrived and SYN packets (ii) Delayed ACK Packet



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Course Code : MCS-041
Course Title : Operating Systems
Assignment Number : MCA(4)/041/Assign/2014-15
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25% Last Dates for Submission : 15th October, 2014 (For July 2014 Session)
                                                                          15th April, 2015 (For January 2015 Session)

This assignment has five questions carrying 80 marks. Answer all questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide.

Question 1: On a disk with 1000 cylinders, numbers 0 to 999, compute the number of tracks the disk arm must move to satisfy all the requests in the disk queue. Assume the last request serviced was at track 345 and head is moving to track 0. The queue in FIFO order contains requests for the following tracks: 123, 874,692, 475, 105, 376. Perform the computation for the following disk scheduling algorithms:
 (a) FIFO (b) SSTF (c) SCAN (d) LOOK

Question 2: Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst time given in milliseconds.

Process                             Burst time                            Priority                                                                 P1                                           8                                          3                                                                       P2                                           3                                           1                                                                     P3                                           4                                           4                                                                     P4                                           7                                           2                                                                   P5                                          6                                            5

The processes are assumed to have arrived in the order P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 all at time 0.

a) Draw four Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF a non-preemptive priority (a smaller priority number implies a higher priority) and Round Robin (quantum=2) scheduling.

b) What is the turnaround time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithm in (a)?

c) What is the waiting time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithm in (a)?

d) Which of the schedules in (a) results in minimal average waiting time (overall processes)?

Question 3: Consider the following page-reference string:

1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 6.

 How many page faults would occur for the following replacement algorithms, assuming three frames? Remember all frames are initially empty. a. FIFO replacement b. LRU replacement c. Optimal Mention the merits and demerits of each of the above algorithms.

Question 4: Android has continued upgrading since it was first launched a few years ago and utilizes a special name each time it releases a new version of the platform. The latest version is Android 4.4.2. Mention its features and also compare this with the earlier versions namely Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean.

Question 5: Write a program in C to implement Banker’s Algorithm to avoid Deadlock. Also explain the code briefly.

Question 6: a) What is the cause of thrashing? How does the system detect thrashing? Once it detects thrashing, what can the system do to eliminate this problem?

b) Explain in detail how semaphores and monitors are used to solve the Dining-Philosopher problem.

IGNOU MCA MCSL-036 Laboratory Course (For Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Engineering and Accountancy and Financial Management SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU MCA MCSL-036 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Laboratory Course (For Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Engineering and Accountancy and Financial Management) FOR III THIRD SEMESTER

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Course Code : MCSL-036 
Course Title : Laboratory Course (For Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Engineering                           and Accountancy and Financial Management
 Assignment Number : MCA (3)/036L/Assign/2014-15 
Maximum Marks : 100 
Weightage : 25% 
Last Dates for Submission : 31st October, 2014 (For July 2014 Session)
                                             30th April, 2015 (For January 2015 Session) 

This assignment has three sections. Answer all the questions in each section. Section 1 and Section 2 are of 13 marks each. The lab records related to these sections also carries 13 marks each. Section 3 and lab records related to Section 3 carry 14 marks each. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

                                                        SECTION 1: MCS-032

 Question 1: A Bank has many customers. Most of its customers have a saving accounts with the Bank. Customers can take loan from the Bank which is to be paid back in installments (EMIs). A customer needs to keep a minimum balance in the Bank and is allowed to perform transactions like deposit money in cash or cheque, withdraw money and transfer funds. The bank gives interest to the account holders.  

i) Draw at least two use case diagrams and define all the classes.
ii) Draw the Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams.
iii) Draw the Class Diagrams.
iv) Draw the State Transition Diagram. 
v) Draw the Component Deployment Model.

                                                             SECTION 2: MCS-034

 Question 1: Do the following tasks for the computerization of a petrol pump shop in maintaining daily sales of Petrol, Diesel, Coolant and other products and purchase of these products from an oil company. The shop also maintains the records of sales and service staff.  

i) Develop the SRS by performing requirements study
ii) Identify various processes of the system and generate the DFD‟s for the system.
   You may use any software to develop the DFD.
iii) Design an ER diagram for the company and do the database design giving all the constraints.
iv) Perform the detailed procedural design for any two processes.
v) Create at least four test cases for each of the procedures designed in part (iv) 
vi) Suggest some security mechanism for the usage of the system with various privileges. 

                                                                SECTION 3: MCS-035 

Question 1: Pass the following transactions of hospital to prepare journal and trial balances.  

Sept 2008                              Transactions                                                          Rs.                                          4                       Started the hospital business with cash                          3,50,000                                    8                        Deposited in the Bank                                                    1,00,000                                  12                       Equipments purchased for hospital                                   2,00,000                                16                       Drugs purchased for hospital                                          1,00,000                                  20                      Received amount from patients                                        2,00,000                                 25                     Paid Salary                                                                           2,00,000                               30                       Paid Rent                                                                                60,000

IGNOU MCA MCS-035 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015 Accountancy and Financial Management


IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS  MCS-035 2014-2015  Accountancy and Financial Management  FOR 3RD SEMESTER 

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

Question 1 Explain the role of Ratio Analysis in the interpretation of financial statements. Examine the limitations of ratio analysis.

Question 2 Critically examine the various methods of evaluation of Capital Budgeting Proposals. Discuss their advantages and limitations.

Question 3 “Inadequate working capital is disastrous whereas redundant working capital is a criminal waste. Critically examine this statement.” Discuss. 

Question 4 Differentiate between: 

                   a) Trial Balance and a Balance sheet 
                   b) Profit and Loss Account and a Balance Sheet.

Question 5 Following are the balance sheets of a limited company as on 31st December, 2012 and 2013.

Liabilities                  2012 Rs.           2013 Rs.            Assets              2012 Rs.                2013 Rs. Share Capital           54,000               70,000              Plant                     35000                    43,000 
P & L A/c                 8600                  8800                 Building              50950                    48000
 Creditors                28,000                 24,000            Stock                      25500                   18800
Bills payable            8,000                  8500               Debtors                   22,000                  16,200
Bank                      25000                   ……               Goodwill                  3,000                     2520 
Loan(Long term)    13,000                  15,500           Bank                      ……..                       2100
Reserve                                                                      Cash                          150                         180 
                                1,36,600             1,30,800                                         1,36,600                1,30,800


Taking into account the following additional information, you are required to prepare funds flow statement and statement of changes in working capital.
 a) Dividends of Rs 6,000 were paid during the year. 
b) Rs. 3600 was written off as depreciation on plant and Rs. 2950 on Building.
 c) Profit on sale of Plant was Rs. 3000

IGNOU MCA MCS-034 Software Engineering SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 3RD SEMESTER MCS-034 2014-2015  Software Engineering

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Question 1
: Assume that you are assigned responsibility of developing an Online Admission System (OAS). OAS is for applicants for admission to various programmes of IGNOU. OAS will have admission form. The applicant‟s have to fill the form, upload photograph and scanned versions of qualifying examination certificates for consideration for admission. On submission of online admission form, OAS should check the data filled in the form and allot study centers as per choice exercised by the student in admission form if the applicant is eligible for admission. Make necessary assumptions.

For developing OAS as specified above,
(a) Which SDLC paradigm will be selected? Justify your answer.
(b) List the functional and non-functional requirements.
(c) Estimate cost.
(d) Estimate effort.
(e) Develop SRS using IEEE format.

IGNOU MCA MCS-033 Advanced Discrete Mathematics SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 3rd SEMESTER MCS-033 2014-2015  Advanced Discrete Mathematics

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

Q.1. Define each of the following concepts from graph theory and give one suitable example for the concept:
 i) Complete graph                  ii) Path
 iii) Cycle                               iv) Subgraph
 v) Complement of a graph    vi) Connected components of a graph
vii) Bipartite                         viii) Spanning
 ix) Vertex cut-set                   x) Eulerian curcit
xi) Eulerian graph                 xii) Hamiltonian graph
xiii) Open trail                     xiv) Edge traceable graph
xv) Biapartite graph

Q.2. A person deposits Rs. 250, 000/-in a bank in a saving bank account at a rate of 8 % per annum. Let Pn be the amount payable after n years, set up a recurrence relation to model the problem. Also using the recurrence relation, find amount payable after 9 years.

Q.3. For each of the following recurrences, find its order and degree and also tell whether it is homogeneous or non-homogeneous

i) an = an-1 + an-2 + … + a0 ii) an = nan-2 + 2n iii) an = √an –1 + (a n –2) 2  9 iv) an = (an–1) 2+ an-2 an-3 an-4 v) an = sin an-1 + cos an-2 + sin an-3 + …+ an vi) bn = bn – 1 + (n + 3) vii) an = an –1     a1 + an – 2 a2 + ……+ a1 an – 1 (for n  2)                       

Q.4. The following recurrence equation represents the Tower of Hanoi problem: Cn = 2 Cn– 1 + 1 (for n  2) and C1 =1 Verify, using Principle of Mathematical Induction that Cn = 2n – 1.

Q.5. Find generating function for each of the following sequences: i) (4, 12,36, 108, 384,…….) ii) (1, 5 k(k+1)/2, 25 k(k+1)(k+2)/6, 125k(k+1)(k+2) (k+3)/24, …… )

Q.6. Find the sequence with each of the following functions as its exponential generating function: i) f (x) = 5x 3x ii) f (x) = (2 – x ) + e 3x

Q.7. What is the solution of the recurrence relation an = 2an – 1 + 3an–2 with a0 = 5 and a1 = 8?

Q.8. Find all solutions of the recurrence relation an = 5 an – 1 + 3n. What is the solution with a1 = 9?
Q.9. Find all solutions of the recurrence relation an = 5an– 1 – 6an –2 + 7n 

IGNOU MCA MCS-032 Object Oriented Analysis and Design SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 3rd SEMESTER MCS-032 2014-2015  Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

Question 1: What is Object Orientated Modeling (OOM)? Explain advantages of OOM over structured modeling.

Question 2: What is UML? Briefly explain use of Use Case Diagram and Sequence Diagram with the help of an example of each.

Question 3: Draw a DFD for Library Management System.

Question 4: What is an instance diagram? Draw an instance diagram for the arithmetic expression: A= (B+C*D)/(B-C+D).

Question 5: What are different types of Object Oriented models? Explain the types of characteristics represented by these models.

Question 6: What is state diagram? Explain its advantages. Draw state diagram for Railway Ticket Booking on IRCTC website.

Question 7: What is need of concurrency management in Object Oriented Systems? Explain the important issues related to concurrency management with the help of an example.

Question 8: What is association in UML Diagram? Briefly explain different types of associations available in UML. Also explain the process of mapping a ternary association into database table. 

IGNOU MCA MCS-031 Design and Analysis of Algorithms SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCS-031 2014-2015  Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

Q.1. a) Discuss briefly the five essential attributes of an algorithm.

b) Write a recursive procedure for the product of first n natural numbers.

  Then explain how your algorithm computes product of first 6 natural numbers.

c) Arrange the following growth rates in increasing order: O (n (log n)2 ), O ( (35)n ) , O (35n2 +11), O (1), O (n log n)

d) In respect of understanding a problem for solving it using a computer, explain „analysing the problem‟ step.

Q.2. Suppose that instead of binary or decimal representation of integers, we have a representation using 5 digits, viz. 0,1,2,3,4, along with 5‟s complement, representation of integers. For example, the integer 147 is represented as (01042)5 = (in decimal) + 1. 53 + 0. 52 + 4. 51 + 2. 30 , where the leading zero indicates positive sign.

And the integer ( − 147 ) in 5’s complement is represented by 13403, the leading 1 indicates negative sign. The other digits, except the right-most, in the representation of ( − 147) are obtained by subtracting from 4 the corresponding digit in 147‟s representation, and then adding 1 (the representation of –147 is obtained as 13402 + 00001).

Write a program for the arithmetic (negation of an integer, addition, subtraction and multiplication of two integers) of integers using 5‟s complement representation. The program should include a procedure for calculating each of negation of an integer, addition,  subtraction and multiplication of two integers. The integers will use 8 5-digit positions, in which the left-most position will be used for sign.
Using your program find the 5-digit representation of each of the decimal numbers/ expression: 345, − 297, 18 and ((345 − 297) * 18)

Q.3. a) Write a short note on each of the following: i) Best case analysis ii) amortized analysis

b) Using one-by-one (i) insertion sort (ii)heap sort and (iii) merge sort, sort the following sequence in increasing order and analyze (i.e., find number of comparisons and assignments in each of ) the algorithm: 84, 35, 47, 18, 82, 17, 56, 40, 12 ,67

Q.4. a) The following pseudo-code is given to compute ( ab )mod n, where a, b and n are positive integers. Trace the algorithm to compute 11362 mod 561

Let (bk, bk − 1, … , b0) be binary representation of b, in which bk=1 1. d  a; d stores partial results of (ab ) mod n 2. for i  ( k –1) downto 0 3. do 4. d  (d . d) mod n 5. if bi = 1 6. d  (d . a) mod n 7. end-do 8. return d.

Note: The above algorithm is a sort of implementation of the ideas explained in Section 1.9 of Block2 of MCS- 031, and should be learned along with Section 1.9.

b) Explain the essential idea of Dynamic Programming. How does Dynamic Programming differ from Divide and conquer approach for solving problems?

Q.5. a) For the graph given in Figure below, use (i) BFS (ii)DFS to visit various vertices. The vertex B is taken as the starting vertex and, if there are more than one vertices adjacent to a vertex, then the adjacent vertices are visited in lexicographic order.

b) In context of graph search, explain the minimax principle.

Q.6. a) Is there a greedy algorithm for every interesting optimization problems? Justify your Claim.

b) Apply each of (i) Prim‟s and (ii)Kruskal‟s algorithms one at a time to find minimal spanning tree for the following graph

Q7. Write note on each of the following: i) Unsolvability/ undecidability of a problem ii) Halting problem iii) Reduction of a problem for determining decidability iv) Rice theorem v) Post correspondence problem vi) NP-complete problem vii) K-colourability problem viii) Independent set problem

IGNOU MCA MCSL-025 Lab (Data Structures using C, WINDOWS 2000, LINUX / UNIX, Java and MS ACCESS, My SQL) SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCSL-025 2014-2015  Lab (Data Structures using C, WINDOWS 2000, LINUX / UNIX, Java and MS ACCESS, My SQL)

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

                                                           PART-1: MCS-021
Question 1: Write a program in C language for converting an Input tree into a Binary tree.

Question 2: Write a program in C language to implement Two -Way Merge Sort. Input the following data to the program. Show all intermediate steps:

84, 83, 78,90,23,123,98,159,8,200

                                                          PART-2: MCS-022

Question 1: Write a shell script in Linux/Unix that accepts a text file as input and prints the number of sentences in the file as output.

Question 2: Your PC is on a network. Connect a Scanner to your PC which is physically connected to another PC on the same network.

                                                         PART-3: MCS-023

Question 1: Create a database consisting of Study Center Code, Study Center Name, Study Center Address, Programmes that are offered at Study Center, Number of Students enrolled programme-wise at the Study Center

After creating the database, perform the following tasks:
(i) List the study center codes programme-wise where the enrollment is less than 10.

                                                           Part-4: MCS-024

Question 1: Write a program in Java for the multiplication of two sparse matrices.

Question 2: Write a program in Java that connects to a database and generates a report consisting of the courses in whom the total percentage of number of students failed is more than 80% of the total number of students who appeared in the examinations. Make assumptions wherever necessary.

IGNOU MCA MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCS-024 2014-2015  Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

Q.1. a) What is Object Oriented Programming? Explain features of Object Oriented Programming. Write a program in java to show data hiding.

b) Explain why java is platform independent. Also explain how memory is managed in java.

Q.2. a) What is static method? Explain application of static method with example.

b) What are different arithmetic and logical operators in java? Write a Java program and show uses of all arithmetic operators.

c) What is final keyword in java ? Explain different uses of final keyword.

Q.3. a) What is method overloading? How it is different from method overriding? Write a java program to explain overloading and overriding of methods.

b) What is abstract class? Explain why abstract class is used in java, with the help of an example program.

Q.4. a) What is inheritance? Explain different types of inheritance supported by java.

b) What is an exception? Explain haw an exception is handled in Java. Create your own exception class to handle undesirable operation in your program.

Q.5. a) Write a java program to create a file of given name and directory and copy a file named available at desktop.

b) What is String class in java? Explain different constructors and method of String class. Also write a java program to find the length of a given string.

Q.6. a) What is multithreading? Write a java program to explain how concurrency control is done.

b) What is I/O stream in Java? Explain what is byte stream? How byte stream is different from character stream.

Q.7. a) What is Java Applet? Create an Applet program to display your details including your academic and personal information. Use appropriate GUI components and images to make your applet more attractive and informative.

b) What are principles of event delegation model? Explain different sources of events and event listener.

Q.8. a) What is InetAddress class in Java ? Explain its methods and their uses.

b) What is RMI? Explain architecture of RMI.

IGNOU MCA MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCS-023 2014-2015  Introduction to Database Management Systems

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

Q.1. Construct an ER diagram for a Banking System. Clearly indicate the entities, relationships, cardinality and the key constraints. Also, derive the un-normalized relational database tables with the help of this diagram.

Q.2. Explain decomposition of a database in database design. Why consolidation of a database after normalization is considered while designing a database. Explain with the help of a suitable example.

Q.3. a) What is non-loss decomposition in database? How it is useful in database? 

b) Explain evaluation of expression process in query optimization.

Q.4. We have following relations: Supplier(S#,sname,status,city) Parts(P#,pname,color,weight,city) SP(S#,P#,quantity) 

Answer the following queries in SQL. 

(i) Find name of supplier for city = „Delhi‟. (ii) Find suppliers whose name start with „AB‟ (iii) Find all suppliers whose status is 10, 20 or 30. (iv) Find total number of city of all suppliers. (v) Find s# of supplier who supplies „red‟ part. (vi) Count number of supplier who supplies „red‟ part. (vii) Sort the supplier table by sname. (viii) Find name of parts whose color is „red‟ (ix) Find parts name whose weight less than 10 kg. (x) Find all parts whose weight from 10 to 20 kg.

xi) Find average weight of all parts. (xii) Find S# of supplier who supply part „p2‟ (xiii) Find name of supplier who supply maximum parts. (xiv) Sort the parts table by pname. (xv) Find the parts which weigh 10kg or above and are in „red‟ colour

Q.5. a) Explain ACID properties of Transaction with suitable example.

b) Explain TWO phase locking. 

Q.6. a) Consider table R(A,B,C,D,E) with FDs as A->B, BC->E and ED-> A. The table is in which normal form? Justify your answer.

b) Explain system recovery procedure with check point record. 

IGNOU MCA MCS-022 Operating System Concepts SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCS-022 2014-2015  Operating System Concepts

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 a) What are the various methods of authentication available in the Linux operating system?

b) List the drawbacks of Windows 2000 operating system.

Q.2. a) Which users/ groups have access to audit logs in windows 2000? Why are audit policies disabled by default?

b) How does the group policy relate to local policy in windows 2000? Explain.

Q.3. Write the steps for installing a network printer in Windows 2000 and LINUX operating system.

Q.4. a) Draw and explain the features of various networking components: Switch, Hub, Nods, Cables, Router, and Bridges.

b) Why is the audit view limited to specific users only in windows 2000?

Q.5. a) Do the local policies cover security management functions for administrators also in windows 2000? Can different security functions be created for each user in Linux?

b) Is the quota limit applicable to all the users in windows 2000? Is there any user that is not limited by the quota management?

Q.6. a) What is the difference between security logs and system logs? What is the minimum size of the log allowed in windows 2000?

b) Which other user other than from the administrator group enable or disable quota management in windows 2000?

Q.7. a) What is backup? What are the strategies followed in Linux for backup?

         b) What encryption function is used by Windows 2000 operating system?

Q.8. Examine the file system of Windows 2000 and Linux and answer the following questions:

        a) What are the available file system structures in both systems?
        b) List the Key features of these file systems. Also, explain how recovery of a file system take                 place in these files systems.

IGNOU MCA MCS-021 Data and File Structures SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCS-021 2014-2015  Data and File Structures

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

Question 1: Write an algorithm for the implementation of Circular Doubly Linked Lists.

Question 2: Implement multiple stacks in a single dimensional array. Write algorithms for various stack operations for them.

Question 3: Write a note of not more than 5 pages summarizing the latest research in the area of “Sorting Algorithms”. Refer to various journals and other online resources. Indicate them in your assignment.

Question 4: Explain reverse-delete algorithm. What are its applications?

IGNOU MCA MCSL-017 C and Assembly Language Programming SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015


IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCSL-017 2014-2015  C and Assembly Language Programming

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

                                Section 1: C Programming Lab

Question 1: 
Write an interactive program in C language to create an application similar to “NOTEPAD”. Write a program, mynotepad.c, which reads words from any file having extension “.txt” and displays each word on a line by itself. A word is defined as any sequence of characters separated by a blank, a tab, or a newline. Note that this definition for a word considers punctuation as part of the word. This program should have features like cut, copy, paste, write and search. The application should be designed user-friendly.

Note: You must execute the program and submit the program logic, sample input and output along with the necessary documentation for this question. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary.

                            Section 2: Assembly Language Programming Lab  

Question 1:

a) Write a program in assembly language for converting lower case to upper case in a given string of characters. 

b) Develop and execute an assembly language program to read an array of numbers and find the minimal and maximal elements.

c) Write a program in assembly language to print out the length of string

d) Write a program in assembly language to print an infinite sequence of pseudo-random numbers. 

IGNOU MCA MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web Design (Lab Course) SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCSL-016 2014-2015 Internet Concepts and Web Design (Lab Course)

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

     Question 1: Create a web site for a School consisting of the following pages:

 a) The Home page should consists of four areas containing the following information:  

* Header area containing the logo, name of the school and a photograph of the school. Make sure that you use a good picture format.
* Left area containing the links to other pages - these links should include - About us, Academics, Infrastructure, Contact us and Feedback.
* The Content area should display a table showing list of upcoming events of the School along with dates.
* The Footer area should display the copyright information and current date and time.    

You need to make sure that the Header and Footer area is same across all the pages of the website.

b) About us page should give information about the Objectives, values and beliefs of the school, preferable in some structured format. You may use lists or tables for the same.

c) Academics page lists details about the teachers and the past activities of the school.

d) Infrastructure page should highlighting the available resources of the school.

e) Contact us page should provide information about the school address and contact details

f) Feedback page should have a feedback form consisting of text box, radio buttons, list boxes etc. This page should get the information from the site visitors about various aspects of schools website. You must use JavaScript to check that all the required fields are entered by the visitor.

g) Write a program using VBscipt that adds only diagonal elements of two matrices. The program should be efficient.


IGNOU MCA MCS-015 Communication Skills SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 2014-2015

IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCS-015 2014-2015 Communication Skills

Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself

1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: Scientists have taught a parrot English. So what? This time, it seems, the bird not only says the words but also understands them. Alex, an African grey parrot residing at America‟s Purdue University in Indiana, has a vocabulary of about 40 words with which he identifies, requests and sometimes refuses more than 50 toys. He seems to manipulate words as abstract symbols – in other words, to use a primitive form of language. In many birds, communication takes the form of simple, stereotyped signals. Some birds, like parrots, are capable of learning huge repertoires of phrases by mimicking each other or other species. But, until now, there has been no evidence that any bird could make the big leap to associating one sound exclusively with one object or quality. Alex can. Dr. Irene Pepperberg, his trainer, exploited the natural curiosity of the parrot to teach him to use the names of different toys. She did this with a technique known as model/rival training. The trainer and an assistant play with the toys and ask each other question about them. To join in, the parrot has to compete for the trainer‟s attention. The results have been spectacular. Alex rapidly learnt to ask for certain objects, identifying them by words for shape, colour and material (e.g., three-cornered green paper, or fivecornered yellow wood). He is asked to repeat words until he gets them right and is then rewarded by being given the object to play with. Dr. Pepperberg believes it is important that the bird is not rewarded with food, because that would make him think of words as ways of getting treats rather than as symbols for objects. Twice a week, Alex is tested and he normally gets about 80% of the objects right. The mistakes are usually small omissions (for instance, he forgets to name the colour of an object) rather than specific errors. To discover if he really is able to grasp concepts like colour and shape, he is shown entirely novel combinations. When first shown a blue piece of leather he said „blue hide‟ even though the blue objects he had previously seen were all keys or made of wood. This suggests that he is capable of „segmentation‟: that is, he is aware that words are building blocks that can be used in different combinations. Still, a vocabulary of adjectives and nouns hardly amounts to mastery of a language. The scientists have been looking for evidence that Alex understands more complicated ideas. One unexpected breakthrough was when he learnt to say „no‟. He picked this up from the conversations between trainer and model and seems to understand at least one meaning of the word – rejection (for instance, when Dr Pepperberg tries to play with him and he does not feel like it). He can also count to five when asked how many objects are being shown

a) From the passage indicate four things that the parrot has learnt. One is done for you as an example. a) Says words and understands them. b) c) d) e)

b) The writer briefly describes two different methods to teach the parrot English. State briefly what they are

c) What is „segmentation‟ according to the passage? Give an example of segmentation with regard to parrot talk.

d) In para 6 the writer provides evidence to support the claim that the parrot understands „more complicated ideas‟. What is this evidence?

e) Give an appropriate title to the passage. Say why you chose the title.

f) Find words from the passage that mean the same as the following: i recognises (para 1) ii crude, simple (para 1) iii predictable (para 2) iv imitating (para 2) v desire to know (para 3) vi strive (para3) vii impressive (para4) viii things that make you feel good (para4) ix generally (para5) x understand (para5)

2. Fill in the blanks with connectives from the box below:
 obviously               both finally               as a result
  for example           subsequently              although overall
  instead                   nevertheless

 i         After four attempts, Prakash ___________ got his experiment right.
 ii        Being a minor, he is _____________dependent on his parents.
iii      The documentary has many gaps. ________________, it is never explained why the main                     character is afraid of heights.
 iv     Juhi is not interested in joining her father‟s business. ____________, she wants to be a writer.
 v _____________the drawing room and the kitchen overlook the park.
vi      The metro station was closed for an hour. __________, Saumya reached the college on time. vii        Leela‟s daughter got soaked in the rain. ____________, she became ill.
viii _____________, the theatre festival was a great success. ix A lot of people were ____________            found alive after becoming hopelessly lost in the devastating flash flood that hit Uttarakhand. x        I'd like to think he'll be flattered, ___________ I can't be sure.
