Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself
The assignment has two parts A and B. Answer all the questions. Each part is for 20 marks. UNIX and DBMS lab record carries 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the MCA Programme Guide for the format of presentation. If any assumptions made, please state them.
Question 1: Write the UNIX commands for the following:
a) Use the cat command, and display all the .txt files in the current directory on the screen at one go. b) To copy dir1 into dir2 including subdirectries.
c) To start any web browser from the command prompt.
d) To search for a certain pattern in the files existing in the current directory
e) To list lines that do not include and in a text file.
f) To compress all .dat files in the current directory.
g) To decompress all the .dat files compressed in (f).
h) To pause a process.
i) To kill a process.
j) To send a set of files to the line printer.
k) To list all the files in the present working directory including the hidden files.
l) To show all the files in the subdirectories of a directory.
m) To get help on any UNIX command.
n) To display any file one screen at a time.
Question 2: a) Write a shell script program to perform all Arithmetic Operations using Command line arguments.
b) Write a shell script program to search whether element is present in the list or not and also display its position in the list.
c) Write a shell program to illustrate the case statement.
Question 1: a) Create an appropriate database using Oracle to manage a IGNOU Study Centre (SC). Perform Normalization to the normalised tables till the required levels.
b) Perform following queries using SQL:
(i) Describe the structure of all the tables created by you.
(ii) Identify the key constraints and list them.
(iii) List the details of your study centre like SC Code, RC Code, Address, Programmes activated, No. of Approved Academic Counsellors etc.
(iv) List the names of the academic counsellor, his/her educational qualifications, experience and course(s) they counsel for computer programmes (CIT/BCA/MCA).
(v) List the name of the Programme Incharge / Study Centre Coordinator along with his/her details. (vi) List the total no. of students in your study centre (programme wise) who took new admission for the recent session.
(vii) List the facilities available there at the Study centre.
(viii) List the details of the computer systems and other equipment at your SC.
c) Write appropriate triggers, exceptions and functions for the above Study Centre Management System database schema and describe them briefly.
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