IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1st Semester MCS-023 2014-2015 Introduction to Database Management Systems
Ans: Comming soon. Now follow - How to write Best ASSIGNMENTS / ANSWERS by Yourself
Q.1. Construct an ER diagram for a Banking System. Clearly indicate
the entities, relationships, cardinality and the key constraints.
Also, derive the un-normalized relational database tables with the
help of this diagram.
Q.2. Explain decomposition of a database in database design. Why
consolidation of a database after normalization is considered
while designing a database. Explain with the help of a suitable
Q.3. a) What is non-loss decomposition in database? How it is
useful in database?
b) Explain evaluation of expression process in query
Q.4. We have following relations:
Answer the following queries in SQL.
(i) Find name of supplier for city = „Delhi‟.
(ii) Find suppliers whose name start with „AB‟
(iii) Find all suppliers whose status is 10, 20 or 30.
(iv) Find total number of city of all suppliers.
(v) Find s# of supplier who supplies „red‟ part.
(vi) Count number of supplier who supplies „red‟ part.
(vii) Sort the supplier table by sname.
(viii) Find name of parts whose color is „red‟
(ix) Find parts name whose weight less than 10 kg.
(x) Find all parts whose weight from 10 to 20 kg.
xi) Find average weight of all parts.
(xii) Find S# of supplier who supply part „p2‟
(xiii) Find name of supplier who supply maximum parts.
(xiv) Sort the parts table by pname.
(xv) Find the parts which weigh 10kg or above and are in „red‟
Q.5. a) Explain ACID properties of Transaction with suitable
b) Explain TWO phase locking.
Q.6. a) Consider table R(A,B,C,D,E) with FDs as A->B, BC->E and
ED-> A. The table is in which normal form? Justify your
b) Explain system recovery procedure with check point record.
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